Where is my money invested?

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All client funds are invested across four asset classes in combinations that are consistent with your unique investment plan.

  • Money Markets (financial instruments with maturities of 1 year or less e.g., Treasury bills, fixed deposits, call deposits, etc.),
  • Bonds (financial instruments with maturities of 2 years or more issued by governments and corporations in East Africa e.g. Treasury bonds, corporate bonds, infrastructure bonds),
  • Regional equities (shares of East African companies listed on the stock exchanges across the East African region).

All the above are considered traditional financial assets and are widely traded in transparent public financial markets around the East African region. The portion of your funds invested in each asset class will be determined by your risk tolerance level. A person with a low-risk tolerance (e.g. a score of 1 out of 10) will hold a conservative portfolio concentrated in money markets and bonds whilst one with a high-risk tolerance (e.g. a score of 9 out of 10) will hold an aggressive portfolio with higher allocations to domestic and regional equities. The investments in each asset class are executed using a tax-exempt unit trust fund.

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